1. Scholarship Origin

Due to recent fundraising efforts among our alumni and other friends of the University of Namur, we are able to offer a scholarship to a limited number of students from exclusive partner institutions and we count l’UAC among such partners. The main motivation behind this initiative is to reinforce the long-lasting connection between our two institutions but also to increase the internationalization of the UNamur campus. The selected scholarship recipient will not have to pay any tuition or other administrative fees and will receive a monthly stipend of 800 Euros, which is sufficient to cover the expenses of his or her 10 months stay in Namur.  The selected student will of course receive administrative assistance in securing a student Visa for Belgium and in other aspects such as finding a student room, opening a bank account, identifying a health insurance provider, signing up for free French as a second language classes, if necessary, etc.

2. Applicable fields of study

We are offering this opportunity for specific one-year master’s programmes. Those are listed below. Successful students will thus leave Namur with a completed Master’s degree and a diploma. Some of these programmes are regular master’s programmes welcoming students with a bachelor degree (or equivalent) while others are so-called “specialization masters” or “advanced masters” dedicated to students already holding a master’s degree or equivalent.

Specifically, the programmes eligible for this scholarship are in the table below. Please note that the teaching language is often French unless otherwise indicated. A basic knowledge of the French language may therefore be an important criteria for your internal selection of a candidate for most of the programmes proposed. Even when following a programme taught in English, some French is very useful for every day life in Namur and Belgium.

Please find a description of the programmes by clicking on the relevant links below. The regular master’s programmes are also offered as a two-year (120 credit) version, but you will find the specific content and course list for the one-year master at the bottom of each of these pages:

Type of master 
Teaching Language (pre-dominant language mentioned first)
Master in International and Development Economics 
Master in Economics
Master in Business Engineering
Master in Management
Master in Biomedical Sciences
Master in Computer Sciences
Master in Chemistry
Master in Information Technology and Communication Law
Master in Mathematics
* a master’s degree or other criteria (work experience) are a condition for admission

3. Scholarship Student Selection Procedure and Calendar:

We would like to encourage you to advertise this opportunity among your best students (top 10%, the main criteria should be academic excellence, language abilities and motivation))
in all fields that qualify for one of the progams above. We ask you to propose 3 pre-selected students, which we will examine for possible admission.
Please submit for each of three candidates the following documents  at the latest by April 10, 2021 (please note that the documents should be sent by you. We will not accept any
documents sent directly by the students).

-a complete resume/curriculum vitae
-a transcripts of records for a student’s entire university study
-a list of the courses that he/she is currently taking and the diploma he/she is expected to receive.
-a letter of motivation
-a language statement indicating a student’s French or English language abilities depending on the programme he/she is interested in.

Please note that the University of Namur’s admission jury for the programme still has the FINAL WORD on a CANDIDATE’s possible admission. The jury will examine the applications in the week following the April 10 deadline. If selected for admission, the candidate will then be contacted and asked to complete the official application procedure by April 30, 2021 in order to start the program at the beginning of September 2021 with the two weeks of orienation. The academic year then starts on Sep 15, 2021 and ends on June 30, 2022.